Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Slightly Wise

I've been an office manager for a little over two years now, and I worked in admin for a handful of years before that. I find that as an office manager (and to an extent, an admin in general), I am called upon to be competent in an incredibly wide range of tasks. Some of them I totally know all about, and some of them are a surprise on the day I hear/figure out that I need to address them! While there is definitely some drudgery involved in any job, admin work is full of nuance and odd expertise and can be really fun and interesting. Some of the work is incredibly specific to the company and/or office, while some is transferable wisdom and expertise, not only to other jobs, but also to personal endeavors. I have learned a lot from my predecessors, research and straight up trial-and-error experience, so I thought it would be fun to share some of what I figure out on the internet. I am also well aware that there is plenty left in front of me to figure out! Hopefully my perspectives will help some other admins to navigate new interesting questions that come up in their jobs, or else amuse folks who are way more savvy than I am on some of these topics. I hope you'll weigh in in the comments section when you have something relevant to add!
-A Slightly Wise Office Manager

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